Steeple Grange Light Railway
Wirksworth's First Heritage Railway
Plymouth EB2
S.G.L.R. No.6 This is a Plymouth EB2 battery-electric, one of two American locomotives at the railway. The works number and date of manufacture are unknown. The loco worked for Jay-Dee Contractors of Detroit, who specialise in tunnelling work, but in 1986 it was exported to Britain, passing to Westminster Plant, a subsidiary of the major civil engineering company Costain. During 1989 it was used by Costain on the Royal Docks Drainage scheme at Victoria Dock for the London Docks Development Corporation. By 2000 it was at Westminster Plant’s yard at Wetherby, Yorkshire, carrying the number 4. In that year the yard closed down and the loco was bought by narrow-gauge enthusiast Terry Stanhope and moved to West Yorkshire. After a short time it was purchased by an S.G.L.R. member and it moved to our railway in January 2002, along with loco No.12. The motor was removed for renovation, but no work was carried out at that time on the loco’s frame and wheels. However in 2018 they were placed in store elsewhere in Derbyshire with a view to starting restoration work. It currently carries Costain’s light grey livery. It arrived at S.G.L.R. with no battery box, so a replacement will be needed.